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Request Form

We've created a simple way of getting the pricing and information to you on a timely basis.  Just fill out this Request Form and we will follow up with your Request promptly.

THIS IS NOT AN ORDER FORM.  Do not consider this an order and that your request will be completed.  We will contact you about more details and pricing before the Order is registered.

There are many "required" questions to be answered.  If you do not answer them, the form will not go through. 


Please give us as much detail about your needs as you can.  It will help with processing the Request and getting your Order confirmed quickly and as stress-free as possible.

THANK YOU for contacting us for your special Event!

Cakes by Kolbo
Cakes by Kolbo

Cakes by Kolbo Request Form

THIS IS NOT AN ORDER FORM. We need more information from you so we can contact you for details and pricing. Please be thorough answering these questions so we can help get your needs covered on a timely basis. Thank you!

Your Need(s):
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